Friday, July 31, 2009

Seed Dormancy

Seed Dormancy

Seed Dormancy Webpage What is seed dormancy and how is it related to germination? - Definition of seed dormancy(

A classification system for seed dormancy: The 'whole-seed view' Evolution of seed structure and seed dormancy

Embryo dormancy and coat dormancy: The components of physiological dormancyInduction, maintenance and release of physiological dormancy by plant hormones and environmental signalsVariation of the seed dormancy trait in Arabidopsis and Nicotiana

Seed Dormancy Webpage 2 Phylogenetic table: Seed dormancy classification with .Seed Dormancy - Related topics on other webpages Seed after-ripening: Dormancy release and promotion of germination Ecophysiology of dormancy: Response to the environment and dormancy cycling in the seedbank

Seed Germination and and Dormancy are Regulated by Light, Temperature and Plant Hormones

Seed Germination and and Dormancy are Regulated by Light, Temperature and Plant Hormones
Tobacco seed germination and class I ß-1,3-glucanase (ßGlu I) induction regulated by plant hormonesABA-sensitive ßGlu expression in the endosperm prior to endosperm rupture is widespread among Solaneceous seeds

Abscisic acid (ABA)

Gibberellins (GA)

Light / phytochrome (Pfr)Tempareture

Hormonal interactions during seed dormancy release and germinationTable:

Seed dormancy and germination of Arabidopsis hormone mutants

Ethylene and pea seed germinationEthylene-Responsive Element Binding Proteins (EREBP)Brassinosteroids and gibberellins promote tobacco seed germination by distinct pathways


Seed Structure and Anatomy The structure, anatomy and morphology of mature seeds: an overview
The structure, anatomy and morphology of mature seeds:
model species in seed biology
Endospermic seed structure (Eudicots): Brassicaceae - Arabidopsis thaliana
ENDOSPERMICseed structure (Eudicots): Brassicaceae - Lepidium sativum
Endospermic seed structure (Eudicots): Cestroidae subgroup of Solanaceae - tobacco and other Nicotiana-
Endospermic seed structure (Eudicots): Solanoidae subgroup of Solanaceae - tomato and pepper
Endospermic seed structure (Eudicots): Euphorbiaceae - castor bean - Ricinus communisNon-endospermic seed structure (Eudicots): Fabaceae - pea and other leguminosae
Perispermic seed structure (Eudicots): Amaranthaceae - sugar beet - Beta vulgaris .
endospermic seed structure (Monocots): Alliaceae - onion
Endospermic seed structure (Monocots): Poaceae (cereal grain, caryopsis) - wheat and other cereals